A blog chronicling the sweet, adorable, hilarious, ridiculous, and at times downright unbelievable events that go down in my second grade classroom.

The Beach is Thataway...

I knew having M in my class would be exceptionally fun when he showed up to the first day of second grade wearing a full suit, bow-tie, and shined patent-leather dress shoes. I mean, really.

M is incredibly bright, though he's also very sneaky. Very sneaky. Very very sneaky.

He's also quite the ladies man. All of the administration assistants love him. Love love love him. And they do not hide their adoration from M; he's well aware of his effect on them.

My best friend, E, came to visit my classroom one Friday. M took a considerable liking to her. He stared. He tried to make her laugh. At the end of the day when we had our "One Word to Describe the Day" Community Circle, M said her last name, while staring intently at her. I mean, really. Really?!

As the students were walking out of the door, E was asking some of my students what they were doing that weekend. M said, "Do you know what I'm doing this weekend?" "What are you going to do?" She replied. "I'm working out." He said, whilst wiggling his eyebrows and flexing his muscles.



  1. LOL. That is ADORABLE. Being a teacher must be GREAT for hilarious stories... kids are awesome!

  2. Haha, do you spend all day plotting what these type of kids are going to be like when they get older? cuz I do!
